Saturday, January 31, 2015

Circle of Diners Blog 'We Rate What We Ate"

Copyright Do Not Reproduce without explicit permission. Back links are allowed with 20 word minimum.
Just started so be patient I'll link it to Twitter and feel free to comment after reading our posts weekly or attending one of the places mentioned.
Places we will be blogging will be restaurants, family restaurants, kid friendly play places, bars. taverns, pub, brewery, fine dining. We will price also do "Best for your budget" or"Budget buster". We also include service, cleanliness, politeness, competency. We will be ratings all around Indianapolis, surrounding Indiana and US.

posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Random musings and rants by Linda Archer(DoNotCopy). 01/21/15

Life sucks a lot The good usually never triumph Us with good hearts get kicked.      -while we are down.
Evil sons of bitches never pay
Those who are cons get by with anything. Everyone is full of themselves most of the time.
We all hit rock bottom at some. point. everyone's is different....
Contrary to popular belief there are idiots out their.
You can't teach stupid.
Jealousy is NEVER a good trait.
We all live in an animated world.
Life is what we make it not others.
True love is to be treasured.
Kids are jewels in our life.
Try to be kind not a doormat.
Don't let others live for you.
See the beauty in nature and embrace it. Let yourself be loved.
Take care of all things given.
Enjoy laughter every day.
Be true to who you are don't be false to please others

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Poem we are nature

As life flexes folds and breaths we do the same. We mimic nature in so many ways. Our temperament is as calm as a wayward leaf falling from a tree in summer breeze. It can built like the tides of the sea. We can have the fury of a fast rising storm. Our temperament can rise and fall like a tornado that's been spotted and do total destruction or barely graze a blade of grass. It leaves as quickly as it's arrival. I find the similarities amazing! Our capacity for love and to love. It can fill a mason jar or a thimble or even greater this whole vast universe and endless expanse of space. Love is like a rose soft and tender so beautiful but those thorns make opening like delicate rose painful, creates an awareness such a lovely vulnerability. Some close there hearts in a box, put up walls the likes of a bulldozer couldn't destroy. When love is pure it creates a blinding light a shield to keep it safe, a fire to keep it warm and a chain to strengthen it; and in all hoped rope to bind it. We are like trees age, wisdom of our ancestors we value. Plants need water, food as do we. They shelter themselves in storms. They dig down deep as to thrive not be uprooted. The sun rises and greets us at the start of our day. The moon lingers and watches as we play, when we slumber. The trees dance in the wind as we dance with beauty and grace. Everything in nature just grows. We are closer to nature then we realize. Isn't it wonderful to think about our connection with everything in this manner?

By:Linda Archer (W) Do Not Reproduce

Thursday, July 24, 2014

New Business come check out the page
Here's the business number got pricing, product and other info.
Business Number: (317) 678-7635

Friday, November 9, 2012

Holiday Recipes Sweets

Everyone loves holidays especially for the food that we get to eat so I figured I would create a blog about holiday sweets; I will add more as I remember them, enjoy :D
Buckeyes: Pretty straight forward

Ingredients Needed
Peanut butter
melting bar chocolate sweet or unsweet up to you.
Wax Paper
Cookie Sheet
Take Tsp. each time of peanut butter, roll it dip in chocolate, place on a sheet wax paper.  Make as many as you want. When your done place in fridge till nice and firm. Chocolate should be hard. 

Christmas Wreathes:This was always a favorite of mine.

For these you will need:
Big Pot
Jar Marshmellow
Corn Flakes 
Red Hots (candy)
Green Spinkles( Cake Isle)
Wax Paper
Cookie Sheet

Take jar Marshmellow put it in the big pot med-low heat; stir till all marshmellow is thin then add corn flakes. Stir the flakes till they are well mixed in with the marshmellow. Keep them in the pan till cornflakes are softened. Continue to stir using a folding motion; so the corn flakes mix in the marshmellow well. When done let cool slightly! Take some out, enough to make tiny wreathes. Place on wax paper, carefully shape them into tiny wreathes, attach tiny cinnamon candy (red hots) to your wreathes, sprinkle with candy crystals if you like. Let cool before eating. These are a blast for kids to help make, enjoy!