Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Poem we are nature

As life flexes folds and breaths we do the same. We mimic nature in so many ways. Our temperament is as calm as a wayward leaf falling from a tree in summer breeze. It can built like the tides of the sea. We can have the fury of a fast rising storm. Our temperament can rise and fall like a tornado that's been spotted and do total destruction or barely graze a blade of grass. It leaves as quickly as it's arrival. I find the similarities amazing! Our capacity for love and to love. It can fill a mason jar or a thimble or even greater this whole vast universe and endless expanse of space. Love is like a rose soft and tender so beautiful but those thorns make opening like delicate rose painful, creates an awareness such a lovely vulnerability. Some close there hearts in a box, put up walls the likes of a bulldozer couldn't destroy. When love is pure it creates a blinding light a shield to keep it safe, a fire to keep it warm and a chain to strengthen it; and in all hoped rope to bind it. We are like trees age, wisdom of our ancestors we value. Plants need water, food as do we. They shelter themselves in storms. They dig down deep as to thrive not be uprooted. The sun rises and greets us at the start of our day. The moon lingers and watches as we play, when we slumber. The trees dance in the wind as we dance with beauty and grace. Everything in nature just grows. We are closer to nature then we realize. Isn't it wonderful to think about our connection with everything in this manner?

By:Linda Archer (W) Do Not Reproduce

Thursday, July 24, 2014

New Business come check out the page

Here's the business number got pricing, product and other info.
Business Number: (317) 678-7635